Saturday, September 04, 2004

Saturday Afternoon

Well, I got tired of waiting and sitting around so decided to go take our 2 day movie back. Better now than after the rains finally make their way in.

Meantime, we also decided to light up the smoker in the yard, and smoke some ribs and invited the neighbors to send over stuff too. Keeps hubby busy and we'll have a hurricane party dinner. He also decided to bake a few pies. Guess you can tell by now Hubby is the cook here.

Meantime, my friends in Orlando, had been debating for days whether to stay there or come here, as the weather forcasters kept changing their predictions from this storm going the north coast, or mid state again like Charlie or even to turn back to us. For several days they were packed up and deciding to come here, then they decided to stay and wait.

Finally this morning, they decided to get out and come here. I told them they better either decide fast or stay put. They say they are leaving and coming now cause they are gettng nervous as it looks like their area will be worst than ours, so I think they are on their way here. I'm a little nervous about that as it looks like the outer bands are approaching now.

I decided to run back the 2 day movies, since I dont want to go tomorrow in the wet squalls. I took hubbys truck because I didnt want to uncover my car. As I looked around, I saw TONS of traffic on the highways. The day is warm and sunny and breezy. Some of the stop lights are blowing back and forth but no more than a normal windy day.

I saw a gas station open with gas so pulled in to top off his tank, and had a time as he had a locked gas cap and I didn't know how to do it. A really nice man helped and I went to put gas in and found the machine would not read my card, so I had to go inside. They said the reader was bad and turned it on. It only took 5 gallons to fill the truck as he had just got gas a day or so prior. I went in to pay and I think they guy was surprised to see a big truck only use 5 gallons, which was funny.

I then dropped in the grocery store next door, to get some necessary supplies, like snacks and cokes. Heck if the power goes out, I dont want to worry with cans, I am just as happy with junk food :)) Guess that's not too healthy.... and that's why I build a health biz on the side. I take lots of nutritional supplements and then eat horrible. OH well, I'm too old to change that.

Hubby asked me to stop for apples and sweet potatoes so he could make some pies, and I got that as he asked and about another $50 worth of stuff. I'm very bad about that, I avoid the grocery stores cause I can NOT get just one thing.

Anyway when I went out with the groceries, I remembed I had his truck .... it's got a back seat thing but it's a pain. It much easier to show with an SUV.

I returned home to find that my car cover had blown half off the SUV so hubby had to go put it back on and tie it down.

SO as I write now, it's still sunny and breezy but I'm watching those storm chases on the tv from Melbourne. The tips of hurricane Frances is just starting to hit there and they say this storm will be there for 24-48 hours MINIMUM bring lots of rain and wind.

They are now just starting to speed of our counties, and there is presently an involunatry evacuation now for mobile homes. They just reported most gas stations along I4 and I 75 are out of gas. So we sit and watch some more.

Hopefully the rain band wont hit us before our food is smoked. Those that have visited me in the past know Hubby has HUGE Smokers in the yard and lots of oak wood so it's a good thing he's going to burn some up fast so it won't fly. We're going to have smoked ribs and hopefully they will finish before the rains.

Well I hear our company at the door I will write more later.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Good luck. I have a feeling it'll slow down now. I hope I'm right.