Saturday, October 29, 2005

See us all on the MAP

Google has a great new feature where you can create a map. My friend George created on about our card business. You can visit it at

I thought that was very cool to put faces and names together, so I made a 2nd one, with my phone business. You can visit that map at

Hope you enjoy seeing us all on the map.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Do You Have Time?

This week, we've had our eyes on Hurricane Wilma. Lots of time as it's been so slow, we all sit and wait. We can't make any plans, as it was due to arrive here days ago. Unfortunately, this year has been totally unreal with one storm after the other.

I do feel so bad for all the folks from Katrina, and Rita, and those horrendous storms that did so much destruction. I am pretty thankful though that I have built my business over the years, so if something ever did happen, I would have income still coming in. Many are not blessed like that, and it's sad to see their homes and jobs wiped out over night.

I believe in freedom, but freedom does not come free. I takes much work and effort to grow a business. The reason more do not do that, is they find it too much work, and that's sad. Everyone that wants to build a business, has to make many sacrifices, as it does take giving up things now so you can have the freedome later.

It's all about choices. You take the time to do something now when you can, or later, it will be too late. Do YOU have the time?

TIME means building your own future and creating a way to have income no matter what happens. THINK ABOUT IT.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Little Things Add Up

Sometimes people don't think of these little things, but it's what you
do today, that has an impact on the rest of your life.

If you're building a business, this takes time. Sometimes, it seems ever
so slow, but those little things you do add up. If you consistently talk
to people, show your products daily and stick with what you're doing, over
time, those little daily actions will grow you a nice business. By the
same token, if you do nothing but THINK about getting started, putting that
off day after day, waiting for tomorrow to come, or waiting until the moon
is in proper alignment with all the planets, you are destined to fail.

It's nothing more than the law of cause and effect. I believe you get back
exactly what you put out. If you are NOT working your business, it will
not grow. It takes work and effort. It does not mean you have to give up
your entire life, but it does mean, you do put in some effort into your
business daily.

Just think: What if you gave up one hour of television and spent that
time productively working your business instead? What if you gave up
wasting time, in chat rooms and clowning around? What if you gave up
things that didn't matter, and put that time into showing someone how they
could become independent? What if you gave up only 1-2 hours a day, 5 or
6 days a week? What if you did that consistently over the next year until
it became a habit?

Habits good or bad take time to acquire. Make it a habit to make better
choices. Make it a habit to talk to people, show your product or your
services and do it DAILY. Be consistent. It's just the cause and
effect, the little daily actions you do over time that will produce the



Whatever it is, getting there will require action, and it starts with the
first step, and commitment. Get started today, on the path to your
dreams. Make a commitment to yourself that you will make that extra
effort, to do something daily to grow your business.

Little things add up, good or bad and over time you get the results from
YOUR own efforts.

It's so sad to me that so many in our industry get started with a company
and a product. They get all excited, so excited they can't sleep at night
thinking of the potential. They go out and talk to a few people, that may
not share their excitement, so instead of moving on to talk to a few more,
they start to make excuses of why it may not work, and dwell on the
negatives and fall backwards.

Habits good or bad are habits, and it's not the person you're talking to
today that may turn into the superstar. It may be someone they talked to
that talked to someone else, and down the road, those that hang in there
and become consistent will reap a massive harvest.

In my own business, I have consistently worked it, and watched it
prosper. Today I'm working with some strong leaders and great people,
many of whom I didn't even KNOW last year. It's fun and exciting. You
never know who will lead you to someone that just takes off. However,
you won't find that someone unless you yourself, make a commitment to work
on reaching your dreams.

Little things can grow and add up into big things, as you keep on moving

Look back at your last month, (September). How did that go for you? IF
I asked you right now how many people you talked to in September could you
tell me? If I asked you how many new people came onto your team, do you
know? How many people did you talk to last week? Do you keep
track? How many did you follow up with?
Don't sweat the small stuff, cause when it's all said and done
it's all small stuff anyway. It's the little things that add up to
major things, so don't let little stuff get in the way of your future.

Little things... one by one, add up. IF you are taking action to move
forward in a positive way, doors start to open. If you're still sitting
wasting time, not opening your mouth, not talking to anyone, you'll still
be there till the cows come home. I know some people that have been
"THINKING" about making a decision to move forward for years, and are still
"THINKING" today. Thinking without action it totally useless and a big
waste of time.

IF I want to go to the store, I can THINK about it all day long, but
unless I get up, get the keys, go get in the car and drive there, I will
not have the items I was thinking about. If I THINK about calling a new
prospect, but I don't pick up the phone and dial the number, I can think
till hell freezes over, someone else will call that prospect, and tell him
about the same business, and he may join and become a super star. My
thinking about that, will do no good for me, if I didn't take the action to
follow up and call him.

STOP THINKING AND START DOING. Take action. Your life and your dreams
start NOW, and today is all you have. If you're still thinking, STOP
thinking and take action. It's the little actions you do that will carve
out your future.

ACTION is key...take action now and make those little things add up.

Hope your future is very bright. It all depends on YOU. Let me encourage
you to start today making the little things count in a big way.

About The Author

Diane "AKA MLMBlonde" Walker is a professional network marketer
that has build her business using the power of the internet. She has
also developed MULTIPLE income streams and is committed to helping
others reach their dreams.

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