Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Network Marketing

Are you looking at Network Mareting? Are you wondering if it works or not? I've been in the industry now for over 15 years and very thankful I found it.

When I started I was looking out into the future. I was looking at the days when I would retire, and I knew I could not live on social security, nor was I sure it would even be there for me. Today that's even more critical than ever. I wanted to see the world and do the things I had not been able to do when I was younger. When I r

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Must See Movie

I went to see a movie this week. It was one highly recommended by a good friend. Have you ever had a friend recommend you see a movie?

Normally when that happens I would have seen or heard of the movie, but this one was a lot of different. I had NOT heard of it nor seen any commercials. I was surprised by that, but my friend challenged me to go and see this movie and then let me know what I thought.

So I went and I took another friend. After we watched the movie, we both felt thi

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An Unexpected Romance

Last week I started reading a book, that was written by my friend Ben's mother. His mom is a teacher in Texas and has never written a book in her life prior than this.

So far i've been very amazed. Donna Fitts has a talent for writing and making you feel as if you are there. This is a Christian romance book. If you like to read I'd highly recommend this book.

You can order it on Amazon and even take advantage of their free shipping program. The name of the book is An Unexpected Romanc

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Why do people avoid reality when looking at extra income opportunities? Seriously, I have never been able to figure that one out. They tend to look for things that they assume will provide them with extra income without working, and then when that doesn't happen they look around for another and another.

I am always astounded to see otherwise intelligent people buy into things that are full of hype and promises. They plop down good hard earned money in the hope of getting rich without ta

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Thursday, August 09, 2012


I absolutely love Canada. If I would pick a country to live in outside the USA it would be Canada. I would also pick British Columbia because it's got the mildest climate. It is near the water, so it rarely snows.

We took the White Pass Rail from Alaska into Canada. It was amazing to see miles and miles of mountains and hear how they built this railroad right they the mountains.

We also visited British Columbia. There are tons of things to do and see in British Columbia. They have

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When people die, their friends and family usually attend their funeral. I've never been to a funeral where anyone had anything but good to say about the deceased. They talk about all the good things the person did, how much they loved them and appreciated them. many of them told that person while they were alive?

How about you? Is there someone special in your life that needs to hear from you? Who do you love? Why not let them know while they are still with you. Tell them

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A Visit to Seattle

If you ever have a chance to visit, Seattle is a very interesting city. We just took a cruise to Alaska Via Seattle. We stayed in Seattle for a few days prior to the cruise and really enjoyed it.

We stayed at the Holiday Inn down near the City Center. We were in walking distance to City Center, and it was a very interesting place to visit. We took one of those "Ride The Duck" tours. It is a tour around town and then a trip thru the water front. If you've never done that, it'

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