Friday, June 27, 2014


A blonde was driving home after a game and got caught in a really bad hailstorm. Her car was covered with dents, so the next day she took it to a repair shop. The shop owner saw that she was a blonde, so he decided to have some fun. He told her just to go home and blow into the tail pipe really hard, and all the dents would pop out. So, the blonde went home, got down on her hands and knees and started blowing into her tailpipe. Nothing happened.

So she blew a little harder, and still n

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Be A Winner

Have you ever noticed that there are people you enjoy being around and others that you would rather avoid. Negative people drag you down. I avoid them myself like the plague.

Some people make the room light up when they walk in and others seem to make it light up when they leave. There are just some people have a tendency to whine and complain and want to nit pick over every little detail, while others just take it as it is and go on to be a big success.

They say you should associat

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Do You Want To Be A Success Or Failure?

Do you want to be a SUCCESS or failure in building your MLM? I don't think too many would pick the latter. Always remember that Success in this wonderful world of MLM, does NOT come from trying to MANAGE and control your downlines.

Instead, it comes from developing the leadership skills to take charge, and having the enthusiasm, vision and willingness to. JUST take ACTION and get busy, recruiting LEADERS, who use the products and share them with others. IT is VERY simple. Just teach t

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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Analysis Paralysis

So..... you just stared a NEW business.

You did your research and found the one just right for you.
You got your money together, and you joined.

You were all excited!



You sat down to "STUDY" and learn all about your new business.
Even though your mentor said, "JUST TAKE ACTION" you wanted
to be sure you "knew" what you were talking about.

So a few days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and
you had not yet started.


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How Network Marketing SHOULD work.

Thinking gets me in trouble cause I do so much of it :))

I was just thinking about how network marketing SHOULD work, and does when people understand the power and take the right actions. It's not always like we THINK.


Many times we THINK we know about HOW MLM SHOULD WORK but Normally does NOT turn out the way we think it should. Too many people think they should jump in the latest and greatest deal, go to bed and work up rich.


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What is Difficult?

I do NOT know the author of the following article. I did not write this one but I found it most true and intriguing. I'm sure you'll enjoy it and it is very thought provoking.

Author Unknown

Difficult! Difficult! Is a home-based business difficult? It is difficult when you must produce a report on a Saturday afternoon and cannot attend your son's football game.

It is difficult hearing the mobile phone ring on Christmas morning and you cannot see the excitement on your daughter's face

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Focus To Win

In building your business, if you want it to be a success, you need a few key ingredients. First of all you need to know what you want, and then move forward with the end in mind. Begin to visualize what you want and act as if it has happened, and you will start on the journey to getting what you want. You must focus to win.

You must be LASER Focused. Do not get distracted by even little deal and thing that comes along. If you are building an business and working online, almost ever

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