Sunday, September 05, 2004

4:30 and counting

We made it thru most of the day, and are counting our blessings to still have power. The winds are picking up, and have been relentless. The rain is coming down in buckets and the tress are whipping around. Some branches have fallen here but nothing major.

We are on our 2nd movie of the day between weather reports. We had dinner early so we could cook while power was still with us. I'm sitting here freezing because we have the AC up on high blast to keep cool in case it goes. We're praying it does not though.

I had a call from my son in Orlando about an hour ago. I also talked to a friend in Apopka and up there they said they were getting higher winds than here...but I can't imagine that. Son tells me the worst of their winds are thru headed our way. Winds are picking up now. ON Tv it shows the bad bands in yellow and red. Until an hour ago we were green and blue but I think now we are in the yellow ones the way the trees are going anyway.

From what they say the bad part is yet to come. The water and rain are starting to go sidewards now and it looks very strange. The reallys scarest part of all is IVAN is right behind and looks like that one went from a disturbance to a hugh Cat 4 overnight. We can only hope Ivan will go away some place else in the gulf and fall apart. Florida will not sustain another one of these any time soon if ever.

I was stupid and left my car cover on and to it blows up and then I have to go out an pull it back down, It's tied across the bottom but the wind is so strong it blows under it. I thought it would protect the car from the tree leaves and hope I was right on that call.

Thanks for all the prayers.

I have to say the weather patterns over the years are totally changing. I've lived in this state for most of my life and NEVER have I seen anything like the storms of this year and then back to back. It's getting heavier now and more sidewards rain, and big gusts.

I'm going to go and watch the outside.

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