Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Customer Service Trenches

When running a business, you may find yourself removed from the day-to-day operations of your company. You have a lot of administrative tasks that only you can handle. While all business owners find themselves in this situation from time to time, it would be wise to step out of that role and deal with your customers one on one.

You will often see this arrangement at busy restaurants and retail stores. Managers will greet guests, make sure their needs are being met, and even walk them through their business transactions. They will go through the steps that their employees would do to ensure a sale, and interact with customers on a personal level.

Why is this important for a business owner? There are a number of reasons why you should take time to work in the customer service trenches.

  • Your customers get to know you. People enjoy meeting the owners of the shops that they frequent. If they see you and your business as a human operation, and not a corporate conglomerate, they will identify with you personally. This builds customer loyalty, as they will return often to enjoy the camraderie you bring to your business.
  • You will inspire your employees. When they see their boss working just as hard as they are, unafraid to do any menial task, they will increase the level of customer service. They realize that you genuinely care about the success of your business, and that the customers are precious to you. Workplace morale will increase, and everyone will benefit.
  • You will have hands-on experience about what works and what doesn't within your business. Practices that sound good in the planning stage don't always implement well. When you have tried them out for yourself, you can see what needs changing, and will have a good idea of what will work best for your business and your customers.
You may not always have time to get your hands dirty and personally work with your customers one on one. Yet every time that you do, you will learn a lot of valuable business lessons. Take time to meet with your customers and bring them the satisfaction they are looking for, and you will see your business flourish.

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