Monday, January 12, 2009

Admit Your Business Mistakes

We all make mistakes. It is part of what makes us human. However, as business owners, we develop a strong sense of perfectionism that makes it difficult for us to even recognize our mistakes, let alone admit to them.

Yet you can turn wary customers into loyal ones, by being transparent and direct when it comes to admitting and fixing your mistakes. Customers will stick with a business that is open and honest with them, and will flee from one found to be covering their tracks. Here are some tips on how to deal with your business mistakes.

  • Have quality checks. Whether these are weekly reviews or point by point inspections, you need to have systems in place to be on the lookout for potential mistakes. This reassures the customer that you are looking out for their best interest, and are committed to offering a quality product.
  • Admit to yourself when there is a problem. Many business owners put up the blinders when evaluating if mistakes have been made. If you cannot admit it to yourself, you cannot fix the problem for your customers. Do not let your pride or fear of failure hinder you when building your business.
  • Decide on the best way to fix the mistake. Do whatever it takes to make things right for your customers. Then, choose the best way to communicate the error and the steps you took to fix it to your customers. If you can tell your story before irate customers tell all of their friends, you will appear to be in control of the situation. This will establish you as a strong business who isn't afraid to get your hands dirty to deliver ultimate customer service.
  • Ask for feedback. After you have done everything you can think of to rectify the situation, ask your customers if there is anything else you can do. Their answers may surprise you, and give you new insights about your business practices.
Have you seen any examples of a business freely admitting its mistakes? Or have you dealt with a business that handled their mistakes poorly? Share your stories here!

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