Monday, July 19, 2004

What is a Blog? I'm going to learn.

I'm not really truly sure what a BLOG is so I figured the way to learn about them would be simply to create one and see what it does, so here I am.    I guess you can say this is  my BLOG.
Because I'm not sue what a blog is or what it does, I also had no idea what to pick for a title, so I thought about FREEDOM.    What does freedom mean to you?   What does it take to be really FREE?
In my mind,  I love being independent and having the freedom to chose if I want to get up  or sleep in, if I want to go out in traffic or not, and also not having to report for duty and fight traffic unless I choose.    I know of many people that complain and say they hate their JOBS, yet I don't see them doing anything to change that.
I thought that would be a good topic for a BLOG.   Learning about what it TRUELY Takes to succeed in your own home business.   There is NO get rich quick anything.  IF someone tells you that you can earn $10,000 next week,  you better run.

You can build a business and you can get rich, but it takes work and lots of it.     Bottom line that's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

1 comment:

Diane "AKA" MLMBlonde said...

Guess I've not had much time to work on learning this lately. I live in the great state of FLORIDA where we are now awaiting our 2nd hurricane in 3 weeks.

Hurricanes are a fact of life here, but lately they have become more and more wicked than ever before. I think we're living in the end times where that's been predicted for thousands of years.

Charlie was quite wicked and came inland a few weeks ago and destroyed the south western part or our state.

Now we are waiting for Frances and waiting and waiting. The entire atlantic side of our state has been running and evacuating for days.

I'm in the Tampa Bay area so I'm thankful that I am not in the direct line of fire this time as we were 3 weeks ago.

It can be very scary cause as good as the weather people are no one can predict exactly where these suckers go. Last time we sat and watched it aimed at us for 3-4 days and only 3 hours before getting to us, it took an abrupt turn and went instate and missed us by 60 miles.

Watching the destruction of homes and businesses, I know I am very thankful that I started a home business years ago, because should that happen to us here, at least I have no job to lose and my checks would still come in as I rebuild.

Now as we wait on Frances, predictions keep changing. I feel very sorry for the Bahamas. Frances has been stalled there now for days .... they are taking a hammering.

Stay tuned and I will add to this as we go along.
