Thursday, November 01, 2012


Do you ever receive strange emails? Not a week goes by that I don't get at least 2 or 3 dozen emails, from companies claiming my package shipped, my bank account is over drawn, Or I just need to click to see my invoice.

The look very real. I have to stop and look at it and let the email process thru my brain. At first it looks so official, that you don't tend to think about how you don't even have a bank account at that bank, or you didn't order anything.

When in doubt, HIT DELETE

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Why Mitt Romney Is Unlikeable!

I just received this from a good frind of mine. I'm not sure who wrote it but I thought I'd share it with my friends. I hope this helps you decide for yourself who can best help our country..

Why Mitt Romney is Unlikable!!

A lot is being said in the media about Mitt Romney not being "likable" or that he
doesn't "relate well" to people. Frankly, we struggled to understand why.
So after much research, we have come up with a Top Ten List to explain this "un-likability."

Top Ten R

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Toyota Prius

I haven't had a small car in probably 10-15 years. I decided to take a look at one for a 2nd car to use for around town. I went to test drive the Toyota Prius because I'd heard how great they are.

I found there were 2 models a V and a C. One was smaller and got about 55 MPG. The larger one got about 50. They also just introduced a station wagon model.

I found the car to be extremely quiet. You couldn't even tell it was running. It runs on both battery and gas. We were told th

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Holiday Card And Photo Store Gifts

The holidays are around the corner. IT's time to start thinking about your holiday cards and photos store gifts. If you want to save time & money this year, tune in and I'll show you how.

I have set up 2 webinars, both day time and night time, to allow
time for those that have difference schedules and also our UK
and Australian customers and team members.

Feel free to register for any that fit your time zones. These will
all be live webinars and will not be recorder. Bring any s

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Saturday, October 06, 2012

What Are You Willing To Do To Succeed

You signed up with a network marketing company. You were so excited about the potential, and your your new future. Have you given any thought to your odds? Your success is always dependent on yourself. Most people don't think that way. What are you willing to do to succeed in your new business?

First off, it takes a good year or 2, to learn to develop needed skills and grow. I was told that back in my early years and I laughed. I didn't believe the so called "experts", but I quic

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Nissan Quest

While I was looking at vehicles last year, I found a Nissan Quest. We walked in and it appeared to have everything I wanted in a vehicle. They made us a good deal so we bought it. I've been driving it now for about a year.

There are lots of pros and cons. The van is very comfortable and has a boatload of features. It has keyless entry, which I've come to love. You don't have to look for keys, just walk up and touch the door and it opens.

The downside of that, is if you lose your

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Unnecessary Tools

One thing we all need to teach people is they have EVERYTHING they need to build a business. They do not need to buy into FANCY sounding tools, or systems. There is NO System out there that will make anyone rich overnight as they sleep. In fact, a lot of the things being pitched are scams.

There are a lot of gurus out there, pitching tools. They have good sales pitches but bottom line, if you want to succeed, don't buy a bunch of unneeded tools. Work on yourself first. There are lots of

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Which Life Would You Choose?

I've lived thru practically every kind of thing in my lifetime. I've been poor, with no job. I've also worked for minimum wage. I've also had times where we lived from pay check to pay check waiting for the next check to pay out bills. It was not fun.

Sometimes though when you're in that situation, you just can't see the forrest for the trees. I was taught you had to have a "JOB" and work for a living as there was no other way. I found out later in life that the best way to succ

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One of my favorite places to visit is Alaska. To me, Alaskan cruises are the most fun way to see the most without running into the wilderness. I'm not much of a camper so I prefer the comforts of a cruise.

We just returned from our 3rd Alaskan Cruise. This one was round trip from Seattle. In the past, we also took one round trip from San Francisco, as well as a Land/Sea cruise starting in Anchorage, and ending in British Columbia, Canada.

We plan to go again in 2014 and do another

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I've never been involved in politics in my entire life. To me it's a boring subject, and I've always felt that most politicians say what they think we want to hear. Politics are really quite a nasty thing.

The past 4 years have been so disturbing to me that I've decided this year to do my part for change. I volunteered today to work in the campaign office for the rest of the time till election.

In the USA I'm totally appalled to see how our country is going to the dogs. There are an awf

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Holiday Cards

Holidays are in the air. I can't believe how fast this year has gone. It will soon be Thanksgiving, followed by Christmas, and then another year.

It's time to start thinking of your holiday cards, gifts and shopping. This has been a tough year for many. Most likely you want the best value for your money.

I have a cool way you can create holiday cards with photos of your family for less than you'd buy a plain card in the store. In addition for less than $1 per card, plus postage, you ca

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How You Fix Congress

I received the following email. Not sure who came up with this idea but my hat is off to them. I totally agreee. How about you?

Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the best quotes about the debt ceiling:
"I could end the deficit in 5 minutes," he told CNBC. "You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election.

The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 1

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Tuesday, October 02, 2012

How You Fix Congress

I received the following email. Not sure who came up with this idea but my hat is off to them. I totally agreee. How about you?

Warren Buffett, in a recent interview with CNBC, offers one of the best quotes about the debt ceiling:
"I could end the deficit in 5 minutes," he told CNBC. "You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for re-election.

The 26th amendment (granting the right to vote for 1

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

An Unexpected Romance

My good friend's mother wrote a book called "An Unexpected Romance". It's a love story for women that are in their 40's or older. I bought a copy and just finished reading it. I was VERY impressed and would highly recommend this book.

Here is the info from the Amazon site and a brief description:

An Unexpected Romance...
When Mark Crandall returns to Greenville to sell his mother's home, he leaves his construction business, expecting to be back to work in two weeks. A chance meeting

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Health Care

Do you live in the USA? What to you think about the coming health care being forced on us thru Obamacare?

I for one, would prefer to have my doctor determine what's right for me, not an insurance company and DEFINITELY not the government. It's time they got back to solving their own problems instead of getting involved in our business.

A friend sent me a website but together by doctors giving us a professional opinion of what's in store. IF you want to learn the truth they have been hidi

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Thanks Australia

Written by an Australian Dentist (UNKNOWN)

To Kill an American
You probably missed this in the rush of news, but there was actually a report that someone in Pakistan had published in a newspaper, an offer of a reward to anyone who killed an American, any American.

So an Australian dentist wrote an editorial the following day to let everyone know what an American is . So they would know when they found one. (Good one, mate!!!!)

'An American is English, or French, or Italian, Iris

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Monday, September 17, 2012

What Are You Thankful For?

Do you ever think about what are YOU thankful for?

I've been very thankful for the fact that I have slowly consistently shared Send Out Cards as this is the time in my life when we are at retirement. Retirement normally to most means living on 50% less that you could not have lived on when you were working. Because of SOC, I' am able to live on my SOC income, as I continue to save the retirement checks my husband receives and build a nest egg. It's been a blessing.

Here are just a few

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Saturday, September 01, 2012


I want to thank all you great online people, promoting shakes, protein drinks and weight loss products. Over the years, I've tried many or most of those products and lost weight. They did work when I stuck to the norm of 2 shakes, one meal a day and lots of exercise.

The only problem I had when I went back to eating normal food 3 times a day I gained all the weight back and then some. I was like a yoyo for years. I went up and down, started and stopped "diets" I was not a gym person

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I want to thank all of those promoting shakes, protein drinks and weight loss products. Believe me over the years, I've tried many or most of those products and lost weight. The only problem I had when I went back to eating normal food 3 times a day I gained all the weight back and then some.

I just could not bring myself to live on a diet of shakes forever, so I was trapped into getting bigger and bigger. The latest promotion and challenges I've seen online, inspired me to do something

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Holiday Time

Do you realize holiday time is around the corner. We'll soon be seeing Christmas products being sold in stores. It gets earlier and earlier each year.

I remember as a child products for the next holiday didn't reach the stores until the day after the past holiday. Christmas suppies, cards, gifts, trees, paper all came out the day after Thanksgiving. Today they come out pretty much as soon as childrent go back to school.

I guess they want you to be prepared to spend more more money

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Network Marketing

Are you looking at Network Mareting? Are you wondering if it works or not? I've been in the industry now for over 15 years and very thankful I found it.

When I started I was looking out into the future. I was looking at the days when I would retire, and I knew I could not live on social security, nor was I sure it would even be there for me. Today that's even more critical than ever. I wanted to see the world and do the things I had not been able to do when I was younger. When I r

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Must See Movie

I went to see a movie this week. It was one highly recommended by a good friend. Have you ever had a friend recommend you see a movie?

Normally when that happens I would have seen or heard of the movie, but this one was a lot of different. I had NOT heard of it nor seen any commercials. I was surprised by that, but my friend challenged me to go and see this movie and then let me know what I thought.

So I went and I took another friend. After we watched the movie, we both felt thi

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An Unexpected Romance

Last week I started reading a book, that was written by my friend Ben's mother. His mom is a teacher in Texas and has never written a book in her life prior than this.

So far i've been very amazed. Donna Fitts has a talent for writing and making you feel as if you are there. This is a Christian romance book. If you like to read I'd highly recommend this book.

You can order it on Amazon and even take advantage of their free shipping program. The name of the book is An Unexpected Romanc

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Why do people avoid reality when looking at extra income opportunities? Seriously, I have never been able to figure that one out. They tend to look for things that they assume will provide them with extra income without working, and then when that doesn't happen they look around for another and another.

I am always astounded to see otherwise intelligent people buy into things that are full of hype and promises. They plop down good hard earned money in the hope of getting rich without ta

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Thursday, August 09, 2012


I absolutely love Canada. If I would pick a country to live in outside the USA it would be Canada. I would also pick British Columbia because it's got the mildest climate. It is near the water, so it rarely snows.

We took the White Pass Rail from Alaska into Canada. It was amazing to see miles and miles of mountains and hear how they built this railroad right they the mountains.

We also visited British Columbia. There are tons of things to do and see in British Columbia. They have

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When people die, their friends and family usually attend their funeral. I've never been to a funeral where anyone had anything but good to say about the deceased. They talk about all the good things the person did, how much they loved them and appreciated them. many of them told that person while they were alive?

How about you? Is there someone special in your life that needs to hear from you? Who do you love? Why not let them know while they are still with you. Tell them

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A Visit to Seattle

If you ever have a chance to visit, Seattle is a very interesting city. We just took a cruise to Alaska Via Seattle. We stayed in Seattle for a few days prior to the cruise and really enjoyed it.

We stayed at the Holiday Inn down near the City Center. We were in walking distance to City Center, and it was a very interesting place to visit. We took one of those "Ride The Duck" tours. It is a tour around town and then a trip thru the water front. If you've never done that, it'

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

People Pitch Magic Systems

Do you ever wonder what kind of people pitch magic systems? Where do they come from and who are they?

The people you see in the sales videos pitching these magic tools normally have big houses, a few fancy cars and boats in the pictures and some fun lifestyle photos. If they are not actors, or staged scenes, then they are most often the system inventor, Those invented the magic system they are selling you. It's working for them because they are racking in the $$$ selling you thin

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Magic Systems

If you are new and just getting started in a Network Marketing company, there is a lot to learn. You first have to choose a company that is a good fit for you. Once you've done your homework, and you have found the right one, and also the right sponsor, it's time for you to get to work.

No matter what company you picked, the basics are still the basics. If it's a legitimate company, you'll be doing 2 things:

1. Gathering customers to use your products or services
2. Find

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Realtor, Mortgage Broker & Insurance Agent

Are you a realtor, mortgage broker, or Insurance Agent?

This coming Wednesday August 1st we're going to do a special one time only 40
Ways webinar. The focus of this entire webinar will be on the real estate,
mortgage, and insurance industries. If you know anyone who is
involved in those businesses they absolutely must get on this webinar.

This one time only webinar is on Wednesday August 1st, at:
9 PM Eastern / 8 PM Central / 7 PM Mountain / 6 PM Pacific.

You can register to at

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Friday, June 29, 2012

Critical Elements

What do you think the most critical elements are in building your business? What's most important to your future? Ask around and you'll get many answers.
I believe the ONLY thing you need to be successful in your business, and have all the time and money freedom you want; Is simple consistent daily action over time. Take baby steps, learn and grow little by little. Take action and stick around long enough for your business to grow. Plan on being there 5 years from now.


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What Are you Thankful For?

Too often all we hear from people are complaints or whining about what they don't have. I've learned over the years you get back what you send out. If you're always whining and complaining, then you'll get more problems back.
Instead of complaining, what would happen if you started to give thanks for what you do have? Ask yourself, what are you thankful for?

Do you have good health? Do you have any wonderful friends? Do you have a great family? Do you have food to eat and clothes

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Do you have all the freedom you want in your life? Are you able to come and go as you please? Do you have all the time and money you want to enjoy the finer things of life?

Do you have a good paying job, or do you not have a job at all? Are you working long hours or do you have time freedom?

I've been in both places. Once I had what people say a "real job". I got up early before dawn, got ready and reported for duty, rain or shine. I worked hard and I worked long hours as I w

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Happy 4th of July

In America we celebrate Independence Day on the 4th of July. There are picnics, fireworks and all sorts of parties to celebrate the day.

I want to with all of you a very Happy 4th of July! Stay safe and enjoy.

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Weight Watchers

I had an old friend from elementary school, catch up with me about a year or so ago. We met for lunch and caught up on old times. It was a lot of fun.

We vowed to stay in touch, and we have met for lunch several times, before she left the state for her 2nd home. She lives in the north 6 or 7 month of the year and then in Florida the rest of the time.

About 2 months ago, we met for lunch again, and I was stunned. She had lost about 25 pounds and was thin and trim. I asked her what she

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Las Vegas

I just returned from Las Vegas. Las Vegas is definitely not my favorite place. Unless you like to waste money gambling, paying triple prices to eat or drink, or you enjoy getting handed junk porno cards on the streets you probably won't like it either.

This is a city for those that like to gamble and drink or party. It's not a city to go to unless you don't mind getting run over with masses of people crowding the streets, or love the smell of smoke. It's full of smokers and gamblers.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Change Your Future

How is life treating you these days? Do you have a job or looking for one? Do you have all the time freedom you want? How about money? Are you living pay check to paycheck or are you living life on your terms with plenty of time and money?


If things are going well now, have you thought down the road toward retirement days? I honestly don't think that many companies retirement plans these days are worth counting on. Social Security doesn't appear to be something anyone c

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What Are You Thankful For?

Too often all we hear from people are complaints or whining about what they don't have. I've learned over the years you get back what you send out. If you're always whining and complaining, then you'll get more problems back.

Instead of complaining, what would happen if you started to give thanks for what you do have?

Ask yourself, what are you thankful for?

Do you have good health? Do you have any wonderful friends? Do you have a great family? Do you have food to eat and clot

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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Are You Looking For Extra Income?

I don't do a lot of online promotions. I do know that many people are around looking for added income though. Are you one of them?

Are you looking for Extra income?

If so, there is no time like the present to join Send Out Cards.

"From the Nest Challenge" Good between now and June 8th

Sign up an MD for $295.00 Sign up a CT at the same time for $245.00 ($100 savings)

Those who purchase both will also get $100 fast start bonus if they get their 2 subscribing customers within 7

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I have been hesitant about upgrading all my MAC's to Lion. I had heard a lot of horror stories so I kept thinking I would do it and then not.

However I learned that Mobile ME is going way so I am forced to either upgrade or be without the new Cloud. My IPADS and phone use the cloud but not my MAC's.

I finally decided to take is slow. I bought a new MAC Air and it came with Lion I totally LOVE LOVE LOVE the Air. It's so much lighter and easy to carry around. I bought the top

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Grass Is Never Greener On The Other Side

Many times people start to build a business. They feel it is not going quick enough, so they start to look at other deals. They figure they can make more money if they went to another company so they jump.

Just remember, the grass is never greener on the other side. All companies pay out about the same amount. All companies market either a product or a service. All companies have ups and downs.

If someone indicates to you that you can make a lot of money, just by joining them.

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The Grass Is Never Greener On The Other Side

Many times people start to build a business. They feel it is not going quick enough, so they start to look at other deals. They figure they can make more money if they went to another company so they jump.

Just remember, the grass is never greener on the other side. All companies pay out about the same amount. All companies market either a product or a service. All companies have ups and downs.

If someone indicates to you that you can make a lot of money, just by joining them.

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Bed Bugs

Have you heard of bed bugs? I guess I've been blessed in that I've never seen any and hope to never see them. Still, when someone told me there were bed bugs on planes now, I have to admit that creeped me out.

I went and googled bed bugs on planes to see if they were kidding. I read all about how they travel from someone else's suitcase into yours. I decided I should be safe rather than sorry, so I sent off for some bed bug spray, as well as little packets that you can place i

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I'm not talking about a lion in a zoo. Lion is apples newest operating system. It's been out about a year and I hear soon to be replaced with Mountain Lion. It's sometimes hard to keep up with the latest technology.

Having just bought the new air, Lion came on it, so I jumped in and started using it. Apple appears to be making the operating system more like the phones and iPads where you can swipe and use gestures. So far other than being able to set up and leave desktops in tack

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I have been hesitant about upgrading all my MAC's to Lion. I had heard a lot of horror stories so I kept thinking I would do it and then not.

However I learned that Mobile ME is going way so I am forced to either upgrade or be without the new Cloud. My IPADS and phone use the cloud but not my MAC's.

I finally decided to take is slow. I bought a new MAC Air and it came with Lion I totally LOVE LOVE LOVE the Air. It's so much lighter and easy to carry around. I bought the top

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It's Time To Downsize.

I decided it's time to downsize.

I was intrigued with the information from Weight Watchers, that I looked into a month or so ago. I decided to join, and did so about 4 weeks ago with a friend. I thought I'd keep everyone updated over time to see if and how it works.

One main thing I noticed, is it really seems to make you think before eating anything. You can have anything you want just within reason, and their serving sizes. It seems to work, as I've been going now for about

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Money In MLM

As anything there are pros and cons but I truly believe MLM is a great industry. There is money in MLM for those willing to work for it. The sad part is most people quit before they start, or start and never finish.

MLM is an industry where you get paid for what you start. In the beginning what you start sometimes seems so small people think it's not worth it. That is where they are wrong. If they just stuck with it, and gave it time to blossom they would learn that really truly is money in M

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Thursday, April 26, 2012


Why is it that some people that choose to build an MLM business, seem to run out and sell everyone on being a distributor? It baffles me. Not everyone will want to be a distributor of any product or service, but many would become your customer if they liked your product. Don't run off customers by trying to make them sell your product.

When you go to shop at any store, do they service you as a customer or do they try to sell you the store and have you open one?

Think about this. What

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Great Article For Mother's Day

A good friend of mine Garth Wunsch shared this article with me and gave me permission to share this. Any of these quotes Would be funny for your Mother's Day Cards.


1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE .
"If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."

2. My mother taught me RELIGION.
"You better pray that will come out of the carpet."

3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL .
"If you don't straighten up,

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Friday, April 20, 2012

I had an old friend from elementary school, catch up with me about a year or so ago. We met for lunch and caught up on old times. It was a lot of fun.

We vowed to stay in touch, and we have met for lunch several times, before she left the state for her 2nd home. She lives in the north 6 or 7 month of the year and then in Florida the rest of the time.

About 2 months ago, we met for lunch again, and I was stunned. She had lost about 25 pounds and was thin and trim. I asked her what she

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As The Years Go By The Weight Seems To Creep Up

It seems as the years go by the weight seems to creep up. I wish it didn't.

I have watched many people go on fad diets, where they give up eating and drink just meal replacement shakes or just give up eating. The main thing I notice, is they dolose weight, but then when they return to normal eating, the weight creeps back on, and then some.

I wish I had an answer for that. I've done some of the same type things myself before I realized it is not worth doing anything that you don't p

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

IMPORTANT notice, US governement wants more of your $$$$

I thought htis was important, so I'm passing it on to you. It's time we all call our congressmen and let them know we won't stand for this:



Subject: HR 4646

Be sure to read entire explanation

Watch for this AFTER November elections; remember this BEFORE you VOTE, in case you think Obama is looking out for your best interest.

A 1% tax on all bank transactions

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Flying Blonde

A plane is on its way to Detroit when a blonde woman in economy class gets up and moves into an open seat in the first class section.

The flight attendant watches her do this, and politely informs the woman that she must sit in economy class because that's the type of ticket she paid for.

The blonde replies, "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to Detroit and I'm staying right here."

After repeated attempts and no success at convincing the woman to move, the flight attendant goes in

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Have you ever put off something and said you will do it "tomorrow"? One thing I've noticed is that tomorrow never seems to come.

A better idea is to get things done when they come to mind. Take action and get busy. Things you put off, you will end up putting them off again and again.

Sometimes it's something easy to do, yet something easy to do is just as easy NOT to do. Don't put things off. Just take action and get them done. If you do things NOW, you'll feel so much better.


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I feel there are way too many drugs in our world today. For every ache and pain we are given a new prescription. You take one drug, and there is a side effect that you need to take to offset that.

I don't believe in too many drugs, therefore, I'm not quick to take them. I usually look up and try natural alternatives.

I was cleaning out a cabinet this week, and I found and old prescription from 2004. I had no clue what it was so I went to the web to search. I asked for drugs starting

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

MLM Is Truly A Great Opportunity

If you're looking for a home business, you have to find one that fits you. I've been in the Network Marketing or MLM Industry for over 15 years now. MLM is truly a great opportunity.

In this industry, just like any other, it takes time to learn and grow. You have to develop skills and stick around long enough to grow your business. MLM is something that people can start as a home business, for very little up front costs. They can develop the needed skills and build a side income or

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Web Cams

I know some people seem to be wild about vidoe chats and web cams. I don't happen to be on of them.

I've worked online from home for years. I love the ability to hope across the hall to my office, jump online and chat with my team, or prospects. I do not want to feel like I have to get dressed up and put on make up to be online. I choose to work in comfort, that's why I love my home based business.

Occasionally I will flip on my web cam when someone calls, but only if I've do

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Thursday, January 26, 2012


Many people are not aware that Melanoma is very dangerous and comes from over exposure to the sun in your early years. A friend shared this vidoe with me from You tube, that is one I'd like to pass on to all teens and sun love.

Click to watch and share.

Please pass this on as it may save a life.





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Thursday, January 19, 2012


What do you think of the word change? Whether you love or hate change, it's enivitable. Life changes, people change and the world changes.

If you want to succeed in anything, you have to be able to adapt to change. You may work for a company that changes the way they do business. You may end up laid off and have to adjust to looking for a job, only to find your job market dried up. You may have to change and learn a new skill.

You may be in business for yourself. The world

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012