Today is misnamed as labor day. Here we sit, everything is closed. The winds are still whipping around pretty good and because they are now coming from the other direction and the gulf, lots more rain and lots more limbs down.
Looking at the tv, it appears our bayshore area is under water with both sides of the road covered and the water crashing over the sea wall. Looking in my yard today there are more limbs down than yesterday but nothing major. It will just be picking them up right now. But with the winds and rain still coming, there is no point in trying to do that now, besides some of them may just blow away on their own. :))
My company from Orlando decided to leave and go see what was up with their house. I have to say they are braver than me, there is no way you'd get me out on the highway with this weather. It's not going to end probably for another day They were lucky and made it home, found their phones and electric still works so they were lucky too.
I think the worst of this storm is over, barring any tornados coming thru. There worst thing is for those in low lying areas. There is exensive flooding, with much heavy rains still coming down and the wind pushing the gulf into our beaches and into those homes in the low lying areas.
For those of you with relatives in Florida, for the most part this storm did not do the extensive damage of Charlie 3 weeks ago. It was a slower moving storm, and with lots more rain but when it got to the center of FLorida and our side it was down to a Cat 1 and then a tropical storm. My guess is as it leaves and damage is accessed, the ones that would have the worst of this would be the Bahamas, or the Palm Beach Areas where it first came in as a Cat 2. Time will tell.
If you are in Florida and do not need to be out on the roads, stay home. Give people that need to get home or have emergencies a chance to do so without the unnecessary traffic.It also is NOT a good time to be on the road unless you HAVE to. The winds are still pretty strong, and conditions are still iffy.
I'm totally bored. It's funny, normally I would be here working my home business online, and I could be doing that right now, but watching the storm and TV and uncertainly of it, makes you lazy and lackadasical. I don't feel like working, yet I know how stupid that is.
IF I had a "REAL" job, I would have to report for duty, no have no job. But being in business for myself I can work when I choose. That is good and bad because, you have to be self disciplined to make yourself work when you don't feel like it. If you showed up for work only when you felt like it, you'd not have a job long.
I remember thinking after Charlie, looking at all the damage, and destroyed homes and businesses, how lucky I was. Not having a brick and mortar type business, I would still have an income and that's a true blessing.
Well I'm going to get my rear in geer and go answer my mail, and make myself do a little work. Thanks again for all the prayers.
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