Tuesday, September 11, 2007

How Is YOUR Belief Level?

Do you think you CAN be a success or do you have doubts? It's not what you are or who you are that makes a difference but it's what you THINK you are. If you think you can, or if you think you can't, you are exactly right.

Have you ever seen a person that is highly successful, yet to you they look like a dork? They don't seem all that smart, yet they make a LOT of money. Then you see another person, dressed to the hilt, and mortgaged to the bone, that seems to be beautiful and smart, yet they are dead broke. WHY? ATTITUDE and BELIEF.

It's your attitude that determines your success and your future. It's all between your ears.

If you truly believe in your heart in what you're doing and where you're going, that belief will trigger your enthusiasm, and that will literally explode. Enthusiasm, passion and belief can carry you any place you want to go.

Have you ever heard anyone say "Ignorance on fire is much better than knowledge on ice any day of the week"? It's the pure and simple truth.

If you're excited about something and you know where you're headed people will come for miles around to join you and want to do what you're doing. If you do NOT believe in what you're doing, why would anyone else? People want to be around those with vision and passion.

We all have good days and bad days, ups and downs, but what will carry your thru is your passion and love for what you're doing as well as your belief level. When I'm feeling sad, I stop, start to count my blessings and think of only good things. I state my goals in the present tense, and read them daily. I focus on where I'm going as if I'm already there, and it propels me along.

I had a call yesterday from a girl, that wants to join my business (eventually). I say eventually because every time she calls, the first words out of her mouth are what is wrong today. She says she will save up the money to start her business, but this month the car broke down, last month the TV broke (like who would not be richer without a TV), or she had medical bills, but one thing after another. She is so focused on what is wrong, she is attracting other things to her.

Personally, these things happen in life to everyone, yet, it's how you react and how you focus that makes the difference. If you are always saying you are broke or don't have the money for something (no matter what) you never will. You have to reach beyond those circumstances, and start to act and live as if you DID have the money, believe that you are moving ahead. When you believe that, all heaven and earth will open.

Years ago, when I was struggling, having quit my job way too soon. I had a belief that I would succed but I made many bad choices and spent a few years struggling. I watched one mlm after another crash and burn, till I hit rock bottom. I didn't know where I was going but I KNEW it was NOT going to be back into that JOB world I left. I believed I would climb out of the whole, find a company that truly cared about distributors, and was honest and ethical. I was not asking much just that they paid on time, had good products and were fair to all. I had a belief I WOULD find it and I would do well in time.

It didn't happen over night but 3 years ago I found my dream company, jumped in and went to work and today I'm doing very well. I have been blessed to find a team of fantastic people to work with, and was honored to be named distributor of the year by my company last month. It was really an honor that has to go to my team, they are amazing people and I love all of them. I love the company, the product and everything has been going well. It truly started with a dream and a belief, and it happened because I KNEW it would.

When you hit bottom, remember, the only way you can go is UP, and it's your choice. You can chose to win or you can chose to WHINE. You can complain or you can do something about it. It's all up to you and it all starts with your belief.

So what about you? Where are you headed? What do you believe you can do? If your attitude stinks, change it. Only you can do that. If bills are getting you down, believe you can make that change and take action to make it happen.

Say this every day: "If it's to be, it's up to me." You can change your future if you believe you can. You can make a difference in the world, if you take action. NOTHING Starts without you putting thing in to motion, but I know that if I can do it, anyone can. I had no special skills, talents or anything more than a desire for things to change, and a willingness to take action and make it happen. I knew and believed I had to do something, didn't know what or how, but the belief fueled me into action and here I am.

POOF….. You ARE what you believe. Go to work and change the world, one person at a time. Make a difference. You can do it. You are special.

I hope to see you at the top one day.

Diane "AKA MLMBlonde" Walker is a professional network marketer and author who has built her business using the power of the internet. She has also developed MULTIPLE income streams and is committed to helping others reach their dreams. She has a book coming out soon. For notice when it releases, go to http://jackanddianebook.com

For more articles by MLMBlonde visit http://mlmblonde.com

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