Sunday, August 21, 2005

Do You KNOW What You Really Want Out Of A Business?

Building a business takes really KNOWING what you want. Do you
really know what you want in building your business?

Many times people are sick of their jobs, or their mundane lifestyle
and think it would be fun to be free and not have to report for duty
every day. They may THINK they want a different life, yet sometimes
they really do NOT know what they want.

They dream about freedom, yet they are AFRAID of it. What IF it
didn't work?

They also think they want to build an on-line business, so they jump
on-line and look around to study and see what is available. All too
often they jump into things without doing their homework, or even
considering if it makes sense.

Most of the time they joined in the spur of the moment, and later
found out that to get the income they wanted, also takes work.

On the flip side of those that jump to quick are those that NEVER
can make a decision, they look and look, and kick tires, ask questions
and basically waste your time. You have to learn to recognize the
different types of people. You will meet them all.


Get to know people that are looking at working with you. Take time
to build a relationship and help them find out what they want. If
they don't know what they want, there is NO way they will get
any place.

Spend QUALITY time with quality people, people that do what
they SAY and people that are willing to take action.

Knowing yourself and knowing what you want it the first step
in getting there.

Building a business is a lot of fun but it's also challenging.

It takes being self disciplined as you must learn to budget your time
and work only this work is different. There is no boss standing
over your head with a club or an ax. You must show up, budget
your time and work.

Too often it's easy to SAY you are going to work, but when someone
invites you out to do something fun, or a TV rerun comes on, it's easier
NOT to work. If you think about your "JOB", how long would you be
working there if you only showed up when you felt like it.


I've been both places, in the corporate world, where I reported to
work each day, rain or shine and had to ask for time off, and when
I did get it, I had to make up my work.

I've been in networking when I worked a JOB and had to do that part time
and I've been thru the ups and downs of building a business only to have
it close down, or worse yet to find I'd been associated with crooks and
have to walk away.

It's NOT Easy, but I can tell you, I would rather spend the rest of my life
in my own business, than ONE day ever again working for someone else.
I have become UNEMPLOYABLE and intend to stay that way.

I've worked hard, learned the hard way but it's been worth it and a true
blessing. I've grown from being that shy quiet person, into someone
that found there was NOTHING to be afraid of by going after my dreams.

Today, I work for me. I come and go as I please. Last month, the income
I earned for the month of February, was about 50% of what I used to make
for an ENTIRE year and then some and that was exciting.

I drive the car of my choice, and I get to travel and go places, and see the
world. This year, I am going on 2 cruises, and several cross country
trips, already booked and paid for. My house is paid for, and I pay
off all my charges each month.

When I worked in the corporate world I never could take off more than
4-5 days TOPS at any given time, so certainly would never have had
time for a 2 week cruise. I also had added expenses, transportation,
and wear and tear on my car.

Today my office is a 30 sec commute across the hall. My new SUV
I purchased last May has only 4,000 miles on it. I don't have to go
out when there is traffic, I plan to go when the others are stuck at work.
I go when there is no traffic, and no lines.

Life is good. It changed for me forever and it can change for you.

It started changing when I began to think about what I really wanted,
and ways to get it.


I have been told my the so called "experts" that NO ONE can build
a business on the Internet. They say network marketing takes face
to face room meetings. HMMMM Wrong! I've built my business
90% online.

They also way no one can build an income in more than one company
at once...after all you have to FOCUS. WRONG AGAIN. That is a
lie companies want people to think so they can control them. If I wanted
to follow being told what to do I would have kept my "JOB". I now have
3 very solid incomes flowing in each month, some weekly checks and
some monthly checks.

I just hired a new financial planner to set up some retirement type
accounts, and invest some $$$ for the future. My accountant also
handles all the tracking of things and it works well.

It took me YEARS and YEARS to learn this one simple fact. Why
should I be doing yard work, when I could earn more money in that
time working my business and hire it done? Why should I spend
weeks and days trying to keep books, when I can hire an expert
throw everything in an envelope and let him keep the books. I
have learned to spend MY time working with my teams, being
sure they have the tools to succeed, and when they succeed I
succeed. I spend quality time with quality people.

I have learned NEVER to drag along people, it's much easier
to work with those that want to work. It's easier to run with 100
than to drag one. Don't drag.


What do you truly want? Are you really happy where you are?

Do you report to a JOB each day you hate? Do you count the hours
till you can get off to go where you'd rather be?

Do you have to get up to a blaring alarm clock when you're rather sleep in?

Do you have to go out rain, sleet or hail, sit in traffic that crawls along
cause the masses are going at the same time? I never figured out why
they call that RUSH hour when no one is rushing, they are sitting bumper
to bumper.

Do you constantly worry about layoffs? Do you think you will have the
same JOB 10-20 years from now or do they put people out to pasture
before they can retire?

THINK ABOUT THIS: IF time and money were NO object, what would you
be doing with your life?

What do you TRULY want? What are your dreams?

Dreams are MADE to happen. What is stopping you from living the life
of your dreams?

I am doing exactly what I want today, because I refused to let anyone
tell me I could NOT succeed in what I wanted to do. I wanted to build
a business of my own, where I could have true residual income coming in
whether I worked or not. Today I do.

I wanted to be in a position to help others learn to grow into positive
motivated people, and read their dreams as well, and today I do. I am
truly blessed to be able to work with some of the best people in the world.

I'm working with people today, that I never ever dreamed I would be working
with. It's been fun, and we're building our dreams together.

What about you? Where do YOU want to be TOMORROW? Always
remember, the journey starts with the FIRST step. You must be willing
to step up to the plate, buckle down and start working on making those
dreams happen.

IF you can dream it you can DO IT. It's up to you. The world can be
yours, but it starts with taking action. Put feet to the dreams and make
them happen and you will be glad you did.

Where were you 10 years ago? Are you any better off today? Where will
you be in another 10 years if you keep doing the same thing you're doing
today? ASK YOURSELF. This is between YOU & YOU alone.

WHAT DO YOU WANT? Write it down and then go get it. NOTHING can
stop you except yourself.

Go to work, make those dreams happen and maybe one day we will meet
in Maui.

For top stories, updates, blonde jokes and tips visit

Look under "Cool Stuff" for news of the day.

Friday, August 19, 2005

We're Reaching The World

We're really beginning to spread and help people all around, become senders of cards and reach their dreams.

My friend Kim just started her own blog as well and I was very impressed. For a very first blog ever she did an excellent job. Her blog is about why she started a home business. You may want to read her story.


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Do You Want To Be A Success?

You want to be a success? SIMPLE.
Pattern yourself after success. Learn who
is really successful and who is just talking.

Learn to recognize the diamond in the rough.
Unfortunately in our industry, you will find many
blowing smoke, talking big, and flashing checks.
When I meet someone like that I RUN.

I've found that those that talk the least, usually
do the most. People that spout off with how
"BIG" they are and "GREAT" they are, usually
are big ok, they are big windbags.


Ever hear someone say fake it till you make it? I
say BULL. I can spot a fake a mile off. People that
talk about how much they are making and flash
checks rarely tell you the other side of the coin.

I get so sick of people telling others to USE the
checks of their "UPLINES" to entice people in the
business. Ever have someone call you and spout
off how many tens of thousands their "sponsor" or
"sponsors sponsor" took to the bank last week?

WONDERFUL I could care less. I could care
less how much THEY took to the bank unless
they want to put it in MY bank account.

What I want to know when I evaluate a business is:

1. Do I have a product, people would use if this
was NOT a business opportunity

2. Would I buy the product if I was NOT going
to do the business and is it a fair price?

3. Can I make money selling this product even
if I never sponsored a soul?

4. How many hoops would I have to jump thru
to make a 5 or 6 figure monthly check and is
that realistic?

NOW OUTSIDE OF THAT, I do NOT care who's
upline made what or how many fake checks they
flash. Usually those flashing the checks are in
a borrowed or leased car, just barely making the
payments. OR worse yet, I've seen them in a
car that was so run down, barely running yet them
claiming to be making 10,000 a week. Use
common sense folks.

If you want to succeed, look for someone sincere
that is not afraid of work, because it does take
work and lots of it. If you are looking for a business,
and someone shows you a product or a service, that
does NOT mean you own them your life or you HAVE
to join them. Use common sense. Learn more about
THEM, before making a business decision to join
someone. I learned that the hard way.

All too often in this industry the person that shows you
some hot product, is on to the next hot product before
the ink is dry on your sign up. That is sad by true.

WHY do you think that is?

SIMPLE...they are looking to get rich OVER NIGHT,
without having to take the time and effort to learn how
to work and grow a business. Unfortunately their ship
will never come in because growing a business takes
much time and effort. You must first work on your own
skills, develop them, learn as you go.

If you want to learn, don't ask your next door neighbor,
or your spouse, mom or dad, unless they are already
highly successful in a business of their own. If they
have an 8-5 job, if they life paycheck to paycheck, or
if they live by watching TV and drinking beer, they are
NOT someone that is going to know what it takes to
build a future. You can love them, You can be their
friend, but for goodness sake, when it comes to
evaluating a business they are NOT the person to be
talking to.

LOOK AROUND. If you see a product or a service
you think fits you and you can build a future with, then
find someone you respect and admire to ask about it.
Look for people walking the walk not talking. Look
for someone that is real not someone that tells you
that you will be rich tomorrow because you won't.

Find the product and find the right person you want to
work with and then take ACTION. Go to work. Plan
to invest 3-5 years, in developing, learning skills and
growing a business.

Don't quit at every bump in the road as there will be
many. When you go on a road trip and run into a
detour, you don't turn around and go home. Expect
challenges as there will be plenty of them. Learn
to LOVE change and challenges, because they
help you grow personally and personal growth
and development is cornerstone to your success.

I was on a call this week lead by one of my mentors
and he said something that really hit home with me.
He said everyone will have challenges, it's how you
deal with them that makes the difference.

Sometimes when things go wrong, you are RIGHT
yet, you have to learn sometimes, to give in and work
with people. You can ALWAYS be right or you can
be rich. Right or rich, which would you pick?

CHOOSE and then take responsibility for yourself.

Sadly in my career in this industry, I've never had anyone
I could really depend on, so I had to learn on my own for
most of the time, and I made MANY mistakes. Today I
can say I am thankful for those hard times and I learned
MUCH more from the mistakes than from anything else.

When you have children, you can tell them that something
is HOT till you are blue in the face. They may listen, they
may not. BUT.... once they do NOT listen, touch something
that is HOT that you warned them about and get burned, they
remember and they don't too often do it again.

My son was great about listening and not touching things. My
daughter was stubborn and if you said not to do something, that
made her more determined to do it. She didn't listen once and
got burned on a hot grill, and she NEVER did that again. Not
only did she NOT do that again, but is she was around when
the grill was on, she was only 2 or 3, but she WARNED others
when they came close, she would say "HOT HOT HOT", and
not go near it.

So learn from your mistakes. Did you get burned once in a
bad company? Did you have a bad upline? What happened?
LEARN FROM IT. Learn what not to do next time and keep on

You get rich by going to work, taking the time to learn and patterning
yourself after those you admire and see that are doing what it takes
to get there. You do well, buy facing reality, and reality is that it
IS possible, if you are willing to pay the price. The price is taking
CONSISTENT action. Reality is working your business every day
and giving yourself time to develop the skills needed to succeed.

I am NOT the same person today that I was 10 years ago. Those
that know me today, would NOT recognize me from the person I
was. Ten years ago, I was scared to death to open my mouth.
Ten years ago I was shy, and very timid. If you had told me I
MIGHT ever be invited to be a guest on a phone conference, or
I might call a stranger on the phone, I'd have thought you lost your

I had NEVER been anyplace but to visit relatives. I had NEVER seen
any states outside the east coast. I had NEVER flown any place or
gone any place alone.

Today I've become a seasoned traveler, and I LOVE traveling. I've
taking many cruises, and I've visited most every state. I'm missing
a few in the New England area, and also Oregon and New Mexico.
I'll see them someday, when I feel like it...but I've been all over the
country, and also to Mexico, Ireland, Aruba and Canada.

All those places I've been have been thanks to Network Marketing.
I'm having a ball, I'm enjoying meeting new people and I live a different
life today.

I'm NOT independently wealthy, I'm NOT a millionaire, I'm an average
person. I do live on my income from Network Marketing and my
total income is about 3-4 times more than when I used to have a
60 hour job where I reported for duty 10 or 11 hours a day sometimes.
Back then I made decent with overtime, but had no time to spend it.

The biggest difference is I do NOT owe my time to anyone. I do NOT
get up to an alarm clock. I am NOT told I HAVE to work Saturday at
4 PM on Friday night as I used to be. I do NOT have to ask for a day
off. I do not have to save up vacation time to do something.

I Do drive the car I want not the car can afford. I read about high gas
prices, which are a pain but really I don't drive enough to be effected
as the poor person that has no choice.

I work from home, using the Internet and the telephone. I just recently
joined my local chamber to react businesses in my community and
have found such GREAT reception that I wonder why I didn't do that
sooner. I guess the only answer to that is until now, I didn't have
a unique enough product to reach out to my community, but now I
do. I want to get out there and share before someone else does.

BOTTOM LINE. I have learned from my mistakes and learned I had
a choice to chose, of fail. When times got tough, I had a chose to
win or lose, quit or carry on. I had to start over a number of times
as I made poor choices of companies, or people, but I NEVER quit.
I never gave up and I kept learning from mistakes and moving on
and today I'm GLAD I Did.

I write this newsletter in hopes that I will be able to help just ONE
person, get over their fears and be a success. I want to give back
to our industry and make a difference. I want to tell the truth and
take a stand for us all and make a difference. you're out their building your dreams, PLEASE tell the
truth, don't hype, don't flash checks of your leaders, just learn
to be yourself, be honest and develop your own story.

Before the riches, comes much change, personal growth and development.
IF you realize that, and you stick it out, you're well on your way. Hope to
meet you one day as we cruise the beaches of the world together.

About The Author

Diane "AKA MLMBlonde" Walker is a professional network marketer
that has build her business using the power of the internet. She has
also developed MULTIPLE income streams and is committed to helping
others reach their dreams.

Reprinting this article is permitted with this footer included.
Copywrite 2005 - Legendary Ventures

Jack is teaching me to ANCHOR

My friend Jack Spirko who owns broadband phone services website has a new page where other blogers that blog about VoIP Service can list their Broadband Phone Blogs

He showed me how to do these anchors too, he's a really smart friend.