Monday, July 19, 2004

What is a Blog? I'm going to learn.

I'm not really truly sure what a BLOG is so I figured the way to learn about them would be simply to create one and see what it does, so here I am.    I guess you can say this is  my BLOG.
Because I'm not sue what a blog is or what it does, I also had no idea what to pick for a title, so I thought about FREEDOM.    What does freedom mean to you?   What does it take to be really FREE?
In my mind,  I love being independent and having the freedom to chose if I want to get up  or sleep in, if I want to go out in traffic or not, and also not having to report for duty and fight traffic unless I choose.    I know of many people that complain and say they hate their JOBS, yet I don't see them doing anything to change that.
I thought that would be a good topic for a BLOG.   Learning about what it TRUELY Takes to succeed in your own home business.   There is NO get rich quick anything.  IF someone tells you that you can earn $10,000 next week,  you better run.

You can build a business and you can get rich, but it takes work and lots of it.     Bottom line that's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.